Our more advanced courses are designed to guide you into understanding the power of duality and how to use what is known as Dark Magic to enforce the Laws of the Universe on your behalf. Applying the principles in these lessons will give you an ability to navigate the spiritual 5th dimensional world mankind now operates under. We set you on a path and give you the tools to explore it deeply.

"I remembered what you said to me in [our mediation session]. So thank you my sista. Thank you!

You probably didn’t know it then... but it saved my life"

- T.P.

Marriage Mediation Client

Hi, I’m Reese Roberts

I teach the artful science of Metaphysics and Human Consciousness on my podcast, Entertain the Thought. I have about 10 years of experience and education studying Esotericism and also with professional training and coaching in the Federal government. I decided to offer my expertise to help free people from restrictive ways of thinking and being. I know the 5D world and I am here to help you navigate it safely and effectively as you manifest a new reality.

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